~ My Portfolio Website ~

About Me

This is still a work-in-progress so it still looks really unpolished and is effectively still just a draft.
I do Programming (Mobile | Web Development | Desktop Applications and the likes) and Info(Cyber)Security and have had multiple years of experience in the aforementioned areas.
I tend to program even on my free time after work or after school
I love to also read about the latest infosec news alongside Linux and also do rice my builds from time to time.
Thank you for reading up to this point and please feel free to provide any feedback on how I can improve my site or in any other manner.

Some languages/tools I used (but not limited to):


My Projects

These are the summary of some of my recommended/current projects,
to find out more, please refer to My Projects

SharedSpace | This project aims to hold documentations, projects and codes regarding various things such as (but not limited to)
1. Linux (installation guides, documentations, steps, installation scripts)
2. Programming/Web Development Language guides
3. Snippets
4. Dotfiles
5. Configs
- Some notable files/folders are my
  • ArchLinux Install Script(s)
  • Distro installation guides
  • Git usage documentation
Please feel free to contribute to this repository as well as provide any feedbacks, ideas and/or just general discussion about the projects via my contacts provided or dm
Thank you very much if you are contributing to the project! I hope this project is helpful in some/any aspects!
Credits will be provided as duly as possible
My-Python-Modules | This repository contains all python modules created by and/or contributed by other members.
- Contributed modules are mentioned and recognized, so please feel free to contribute!
Thank you very much for checking out this repo
EDX Center | This is my portable, reusable and modular {TestBench|PracticeGround|LearningRoom} Knowledge Management Center I created to Learn, Practice, Plan, Test and Implement new ideas and concepts that can eventually be reused in other project.
All you need to do is just go to the concept you want, look at the source code and refer to it in your new project.
Much like my other projects, all contributions will be mentioned and recognized, please feel free to contribute and thank you!